Sheriff faces accusations of overly aggressive conduct after welfare check ends in arrests

WILLIAMSON COUNTY, Ill. (WJPF) – Williamson County Sheriff Jeff Diedrich is facing accusations of overly aggressive conduct after two people were arrested during a welfare check.

Police were called Thursday evening to a home in rural White Ash after family became concerned that Robert Dillon was possibly suicidal and had locked himself inside a garage.

Williamson County Sheriff’s Deputies and Sheriff Jeff Diederich responded.

During the altercation, police say members of the Dillon family were acting erratically and had to be subdued.

The family says the sheriff and deputies unnecessarily escalated an already tense situation by yelling and drawing weapons.

The incident ended with Robert Dillon and his daughter, Kourtney Gursky, both charged with felony resisting a peace officer with injuries.

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